Coding Projects by Riley


A horror video game created by James Gibson, Courtney Cox, Jared J Parker and Riley Berycz

Project Overview

This project allowed for teamwork and pair programming skills to be developed in a programming enviroment. Also a key aspect was the procedually generated mazes which was one of my key contributions to the game. The different algorithms used to create mazes were all tested first on python before finding the best fit to be implemented into the game on C#. The model within the game was animated by me also on blender which was an interesting learning experience using key frames to create some sort of walk cycle for the character. I learnt how to use the unity UI system as well during the process of making this game so most UI features were created by me. Overall from this game I learnt how to better code in a team enviroment and solve problems as a team.

Unity C# Python Blender DaVinci Resolve

Demo Video

The demo showcases two of the main areas I worked on that being the animated enemy as well as the maze generation.

Key Features

Challenges and Solutions

The main challenge initially found was a few issues with maze generation that was perfect and deciding how the entraces and exits would be placed. Due to the maze algorithm being quite tempermental the solution we found was to have fixed points on the map so the maze would generate around fixed points rather than having them included in maze generation. This ended up being the right solution as we prevented the possiblities of an easier level by people getting lucky with exits generating near entrances so we placed the entrance and exit on each respective corner of the maze meaning you'd be very lucky to get a maze that would perfectly have a straight line to the end due to the nature of the algorithm. Another issue with maze generation would be that it was fully generating properly on some of the edges of the maze and our fix to this due to time constraints was to simply add a permanent wall that would hide this issue from the player while the rest of the maze was still generated correctly.

Future Enhancements

This project is completed as far as I'm concerned any future improvements should be done via creating a new game with a similar theme. Since this project was created for a university assessment it will get no further improvements the key improvement I wish we had added was levels to the game as reaching the end of the game was just a win where as I think a level system could've increased replayability.

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